113-2 FLTC 英語小聚
In an age of endless scrolling, short-form videos, and instant gratification, are we losing our ability to focus and think critically? The term "brain rot" refers to the phenomenon of excessive screen time and shallow content consumption reducing our attention span and deep thinking skills. This discussion explores whether digital culture is making us less intelligent or simply changing how we process information. Are we truly experiencing "brain rot," or is this just a new way of engaging with the world?
在無止盡的滑手機、短影音和即時滿足的時代,我們是否正在失去專注力與批判性思考的能力?「腦爛」(brain rot)指的是過度使用數位媒體、消費淺層內容導致專注力下降、思考能力減弱的現象。本次小聚將探討數位文化是否真的讓我們變得更不聰明,還是只是改變了我們接收與處理資訊的方式?我們真的「腦爛」了,還是這只是時代變遷的一部分?有什麼辦法能搶救我們的腦?
場次二:3/17 (一)Debunking Imposter Syndrome: The Fear of Not Being Good Enough
Many people, even those who are highly accomplished, feel like they don’t deserve their success. Imposter syndrome is the persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite external achievements. It can affect confidence, motivation, and mental well-being. This discussion examines why so many people struggle with self-doubt, whether imposter syndrome is a personal issue or a societal one, and how we can overcome the fear of not being "good enough."
許多人即使已經取得成就,仍會覺得自己不配,害怕被揭穿是「冒牌貨」。這種現象被稱為「冒牌者症候群」(Imposter Syndrome),它會影響自信、動力和心理健康。本次小聚將探討為何這種自我懷疑如此普遍,它究竟是個人問題還是社會結構造成的現象?我們又該如何克服「不夠好」的恐懼?
場次三:3/24(一)Chasing Stars: How Idols Inspire and Empower
For many fans, idols are more than just entertainers—they are sources of inspiration, motivation, and personal growth. Whether through their hard work, resilience, or messages of self-love, idols have a profound impact on their followers. This discussion explores how fandom culture helps individuals build confidence, develop skills, and create meaningful connections. Can chasing stars actually help us become better versions of ourselves?